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Появился отзыв-сравнение HiFiMAN Susvara + Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE с усилителями: Ferrum OOR+Hypsos vs Holo Audio Bliss KTE.

Spent the entire weekend comparing and contrasting Ferrum OOR+Hypsos to Bliss. Here are my findings so far:

Ferrum OOR + Hypsos Pros:

  • More convenient size for a desktop amp
  • Wins in ease-of-use (just turn it on and get going. Barely need to play with any dials)
  • Generates less heat if this is a concern for you

Holo Bliss Pros:

  • Still very easy to use, but provides more options for a wider degree of flexibility across multiple headphones and setups (Switching on and off the preamp vs. always-on, Hi-Z and Low-Z modes, remote control)
  • Volume control on both is great, but I prefer the Bliss volume control for sure. The knob is perfection. The volume control is very smooth, providing many steps and never being too quiet or too loud in my tests so far
  • Overall better sound quality than the OOR+Hypsos:
    • Even better bass impact, with more layering going on in the sub-bass​
    • Soundstage is improved. OOR+Hypsos has more an immediacy of sound due to the more narrow soundstage vs. Bliss having more ethereal qualities here​
    • Mids are brought forward slightly in comparison to OOR+Hypsos​
    • Hi Z brings a little bit of that “tube flavoring” (elevated bass, increased mids, etc) to ZMF dynamic cans that you just can’t get with the OOR+Hypsos​
    • Micro details are more apparent with any headphone. Both my VC and Susvara feel like they’re bringing little details to songs that I wasn’t hearing through the OOR+Hypsos.​

I’m really, really pleased with the Bliss. The OOR + Hypsos is no slouch, either, but I’m having a tough time giving it any points in sound quality over the Bliss. The Bliss seems to take everything the OOR does and just adds it to in a very positive way.

4 лайка

Это порождает самые весёлые ожидания :slight_smile:

2 лайка

Поговаривают, что в младших Аурендерах так спдиф реализован. Но тут ведь, всё дело - как реализовано.

Заверните, пожалуйста, сразу два. И сдачи не надо :joy:

в младших Аурендерах спдифа нет :slight_smile:

Смысл этой комарильни тогда не очень понятен, берём малинку4 вешаем пляпу реклока юсб, запитываем от приличного блока и бинго. А в качестве юсб конвертера - у старших спрингов маев и так царский юсб модуль, который по i2s c клоком от цапового. Всяко лучше…

А Дима то из Плана как то отзывался по устройствам?

Пока это всё гадания на кофейной гуще.

3 лайка

Пока только на ней и погадаешь :slight_smile:

1 лайк

GoldenSound выложил измерения Holo Bliss

All harmonics below -140dB

SINAD is about 120dB, and at 50mV IEM level you get 93dB SNR so it’s whisper quiet.

Handles 12W at 32 Ohms!!

Crosstalk is about -138dB upto 2.5khz. And rises to -125dB at 20khz.

THD remains constant and does not rise at higher frequencies (quite a few amps perform way better at 1khz than at 10-20khz for example).

Awesome stuff Jeff!

Only slightly unusual thing is the output impedances:

XLR-4 Bal: 0.1Ω (Lo-Z), 15Ω (Hi-Z)
4.4mm Bal: 2.2Ω (Lo-Z), 17Ω (Hi-Z)
6.35mm SE: 1.1Ω (Lo-Z), 8.5Ω (Hi-Z)

3 лайка

Обзор конечно жду, любая информация будет полезна, но навряд ли будет необходимая мне информация. То, что он по звуку должен, по крайней мере, было бы логично), превзойти IFI Zen Stream, Pi2Design Mercury это по моему мнению не достижение для Рэд. Интересно было сравнение с начальной моделью Аурендер, Ауралик или Lumin U2. Понятно, что он и в цене превосходят Рэд , но все же Holo своими ЦАП заслужил довольно таки высокую репутацию, соответственно и ожидания от Рэд у меня завышены)

выше писали - убийца Рокны. :star_struck:

Увидел сравнение уровней Серен от audioenzo.nl и решил выложить выдержки о звуке на форум.

Holo Audio Serene L1 vs Holo Audio Serene KTE

Послушав музыку несколько дней, я понял кое-что очень важное, а именно: я просто слушал музыку, не очень технично и не анализировал всевозможные аспекты! Конечно, я понимал, что передо мной играет прекрасный голографический музыкальный образ, но именно естественный, плавный и такой самоочевидный способ его отображения обеспечил преобладание музыки в целом над отдельными аспектами. Стало ясно, что технология здесь полностью служит музыке и, кажется, полностью ее избегает. И тогда вы больше не прислушиваетесь к качеству отдельных покалываний, клубков и треугольников, а прислушиваетесь ко всему, со всей связностью и слоями, которые с ним связаны.

В какой-то момент я подумал, что должен заставить себя слушать немного технически и попытаться объяснить некоторые аспекты. Вы помещаете звук, исходящий из набора, под увеличительным стеклом, чтобы иметь возможность правильно интерпретировать эти аспекты. И, конечно же, это позволяет мне перечислить то, что можно услышать в разных музыкальных треках, например, полные плотные и отдельные бонги, изображенные в космосе в песне Мартина Тейлора Five-O из альбома Kiss and Tell, или огромное пространственное воспроизведение в Eefje de Песня Фиссера Scheef из альбома Nachtlicht.

Но вскоре я обнаружил, что на самом деле это напрасная трата сил и времени, которое я могу использовать с гораздо большей пользой для удовольствия. От идеального соединения всех этих звуков, басовых партий, текстур, глубин и широт, слоев, голосов и так далее в единое целое, а именно в музыку!

Версии MAY KTE и Serene KTE, кажется, усиливают друг друга, и самой важной особенностью обоих устройств оказывается передача музыкального сигнала, цифрового или аналогового, и это в чистом виде.

Музыка только усиливается Holo Audio Serene KTE и без изменений передает ее на выходные каскады, фактически это похоже на усилительный провод. Вы можете попытаться связать его со всевозможными превосходными степенями, но я думаю, что это должно быть одной из лучших особенностей хорошего аудио оборудования, и они очень хорошо преуспели в Holo.

3 лайка

Интересный отзыв о Holo May L2 и Bliss с Head-Fi

I’m a week in, and loving this thing. I went from Chord DAVE + Soloist 3XGT > Holo May L2 + Soloist 3XGT > May L2 + Bliss. I only got the May 2-3 weeks before the Bliss, so I might be a little skewed. Switching from the DAVE to the May was a step change difference while the 3XGT to Bliss was more incremental, but it’s been forward progress all the way. I thought I understood holographic and separation, and then I got these and realize I had no idea. The Bliss is incredibly punchy which is what I also liked about the Soloist, but there’s more transparency and detail. I have them stacked up and haven’t had any issues with heat, but they are fully open to the air on all sides and even the podium is slotted for air flow. The Holo May is CLEARLY worth the money (performance per dollar is better than just about anything else out there). The Bliss is better than the 3XGT, but more on the diminishing returns side of things. I’ve been looking for the best and I found it, but the 3XGT and (to a lesser extent, to my ears) the OOR are great amps too and I’d counsel putting budget into the May before the Bliss. What a great stack to plug the Susvara into though, bravo.

2 лайка

Очередной отзыв нового владельца Holo Bliss с Head-Fi

Initial impressions:

  • Best holographic 3D space I’ve heard
    • Difference to any of my previous SS is clear both in space and in separation
      • Aries came quite close in space, but Bliss takes the first place
        • Especially x and z size, I could probably have a little bit more y as well
    • Difference to tube amps like Feliks Euforia AE and Echo mk II is there
      • Size of the stage isn’t clearly bigger, but it’s bigger (especially the edge extends further)
      • Separation is clearly better
  • Finally there is enough attenuation steps for sensitive headphones
    • This alone made me smile as this was the biggest downside of SparkoS Aries
  • Clarity is amazing
  • Refinement is amazing
  • I’m happy that I own OG Utopia and not the (very slightly) bassier Utopia 2022
    • This thing will utilize the bass section of your headphone to the fullest

Now will have to wait and see if there’s any burn-in. Happy with the purchase

3 лайка

Появился мануал по Holo Bliss на сайте KTE, плюс они добавили характеристики в описании продукта:

General info:


Single-ended RCA input (QTY 3)

Maximum amplitude 8.4Vrms
Input impedance 6.2KΩ

Balanced XLR input (QTY 2)

Maximum amplitude 16.8Vpp
Input impedance 12.4KΩ


4P XLR Output

Low impedance mode (LO-Z): Output impedance 0Ω, power 12Wrms@32Ω
High impedance mode (HI-Z): output impedance 15Ω, power 2.5Wrms@150Ω

4.4mm Pentaconn Output

Low impedance mode (LO-Z): output impedance 2Ω, power 12Wrms@32Ω
High impedance mode (HI-Z): output impedance 17Ω, power 2.5Wrms@150Ω

6.35mm TRS Output

Low impedance mode (LO-Z): output impedance 1Ω, power 3Wrms@32Ω
High impedance mode (HI-Z): output impedance 8.5Ω, power 0.6Wrms@150Ω


Single-ended RCA Output

Maximum amplitude 10Vrms
Output impedance 20Ω

Balanced XLR Output

Maximum amplitude20Vrms
Output impedance 40Ω



Size 430x300x55mm / 16.93×11.81×2.17inches (W x L x H, Dimensions do not include protruding parts) additional 12 mm for machined feet
Weight 10kg / 22.05lbs


Power Input (configurable, see label on bottom of unit for specified input)

220-230V 50/60Hz – Use Fuse Type 2A SB 5x20mm (when internal switches are set@220v)
110-115V 50/60Hz – Use Fuse Type 4A SB 5x20mm (when internal switches are set@110v)

Power consumption



Included Accessories

AC Power Cable x1 (Applicable to North America only)
Remote Control x1

3 лайка

Первый Holo Red приехал к покупателю с Head-Fi:

RED eagle has landed!
Testing just few minutes though. There is no user manual in package and no user manual online yet. Going to test as DDC right now. Too soon to comment on sound quality, will do after 1-2 weeks of burn in.
Just small hint. Already better than Matrix X-Spdif 3 via AES/EBU. Going to test I2S next.
Stay tuned.

6 лайков

Впервые такое в мануалах вижу. Т.е. от верхней поверхности ЦАПа или усилителя должно быть не менее 50 мм. до расположенного блока выше…или полки в нише.

2 лайка

Да, всё верно. Всё же 12 Ватт в А классе. Самый горячий аппарат от Holo Audio.

Не подогревать снизу - это самое главное, а вообще они рекомендую отступить по 50 мм вообще со всех сторон.

1 лайк

Что то совсем мало информации за Рэд, у обзорщика он уже как минимум 2 недели, а информации, в плане качества звука нет. На ХэдФай пока тоже больше вопросов чем ответов. Про работу стримера с Кобуз тоже информации точной нет. Может кто подскажет китайские ресурсы, аналогичные нашему бару? Очень интересует Рэд в качестве стримера, но в слепую как то не очень брать хочется.

2 лайка

Свежий отзыв на Holo Bliss:

I have the Bliss for three days now. I had a Burson GT Soloist for a while recently, and while it was strong and clear, it felt aggressive, brash, with a bit of assertive sameness among several distinct recordings. I make no claim that you will hear it the same way. It must be popular for good reasons. I don’t have a history of turning up my nose at hi-fi gear - That amp was one of the few obviously high-quality pieces of gear I’ve ever just given back, ultimately, saying, no thanks. And then the long-rumored, possibly-an-urban-messianic-legend Bliss arrived.

I’m using Roon on an M1 iMac, with Qobuz streaming and hard-drive-sourced files, cd through highest res DXD and DSD, Holo May KTE connected to the Bliss KTE by Audioquest Fire ICs, AQ Niagara power conditioners, AQ NRG and Cullen power cables. The Susvara, 3.5mm connector, is being fed by a beautiful new Double Helix Chimera cable. Although the Bliss, I’m told, is electrically optimized and musically voiced for the Susvara, I’m comparing its performance through the latter with its handling of Dan Clark Expanse with their own Vivo cable and a Prion4 borrowed gratefully from Peter B. at Double Helix Cables; The Utopia 2022 with stock and Arctic Ingens cables,; Grado GS3000x with Grado cable; and Abyss 1266TC with the upgraded and dedicated JPS cables. I’m only using balanced 4-pin XLR connections.

The Susvara is clearly in its natural habitat here, optimized and idyllic. The Abyss responds to Bliss-juice as though it has found fulfillment. Something not quite frequency-range dependent is happening here, in that, on recording after recording, the characteristic deep bass control, holy mother of slam factor, and electron microscope level of clarity is evident… but now the midrange and the whole harmonic envelope of acoustic instruments and voices is more fleshed out, almost devoid of the hardness these industrial-cyberpunk Uber-cans can bring. Whereas the Woo WA5-LE, a refined and powerful 300B SET tube amp well matched to the Abyss and good for the Susvara, can bring its 2nd-harmonic rich but still transparent virtues to the Big Abyss, it can still feel a little brash in the upper-mids/lower treble. The Bliss produced nothing but nourishment through the 1266TC. preternaturally detailed, yet with just enough subcutaneous fat to be healthy. There is no sense at all of euphony or tube bloat; to the contrary, the music is highly objective in the information it consists of, and yet the amp seems to offer ideal support for the unique needs of each headphone, across their dynamic and frequency ranges. Zhu states, in the manual, that the way he uses multiple paired transistors brings all the advantages of both solid state and tubes. Without any so-called tubey characteristics, there is also nothing characteristic of solid-state, except with respect to sheer clarity. Such simplistic binaries are far transcended at this level, with this design. It is providing the diet each headphone thrives on. Two hours of jazz, hard and progressive rock, and chamber music, and I have no listening fatigue through the Abyss.

The Expanse retains its deeply detailed, spatially expansive and harmonically refined qualities. The Utopia '22 is the least minutely revealing headphone in my current roster, though this is not a deficit; it is relative to three other cans known for end-game resolution and one, the Grado, which at 28 - 50% the cost of the others, may lack the surreal spatial verisimilitudes and end-game timbal and dynamic refinement of the others, but is both stunningly good in absolute terms, and actually conveys small details at near-Susvara levels. The Utopia has a fully-fleshed, communicative and impactful qualitymmediately impressive as being intricately transparent, offering a fleshed-out sense of space way beyond my head and the limits of the Susvara. I’ve never heard that so consistently or clearly. Lyrics are more intelligible, complex arrangements have a great sense of wholeness with all the clarity to allow the attention to drift along with and away from individual voices. It’s beautifully voiced, if it’s OK to say that, in that along with the Susvara-ready power, the amp has remarkable timbral clarity and glow, depth and dimension, with textured and fast transients. And I’m just getting the feel for it. It is a special amp, just warming up.

Jeff Zhu at Holo not only has a clear sense of what reproduced music should sound like, but his innovative designs manage to channel that aesthetic sense into extremely authentic/organic-sounding, impactful and nuanced, user-friendly electronic devices which somehow look cool (2001-monolith-black with copper sides and accents and a Kitsune fox emblem) and also measure extraordinarily well… and I am firmly in the my-multi-million-year-ear/brain/gut knows far more than your puny 21-st century measurements will ever measure. But this stuff is accurate as can be, and tastes great. And Bliss is clearly a consistent, masterful engineering expression of the same musical vision as is the May DAC. If it serves a wide range of headphones this well, with such ergonomic ease, while bringing out the very best in the Susvara (folks like to assign percentage-of-potential an amp achieves with the Susvara - I’ll call this 98.6%, to indicate a sign of optimal health, with room for diminishing returns from some gizmo advances by future humans.

I know there’s more expensive and possibly “better” gear out there for a system like this. But while I know what the far end of hi-fi consists of, what it can cost, and the refinement and caché which contribute to the listening experience. But, beyond some optimizing of the source setup - using, say, a Roon Nucleus for SS-data control, some improvements in streaming - I’ll say that there’s not much further to meaningfully go in the headphone-audio quest. “Better” than this? A dedicated digital data and control source and electrical system… that’d be nice. There’s always new flavors and hues to be found in high-end gear, and there’s stuff I still like to stare at. Bacon. Mola Mola. These would be fun to have around. They’re fun to say. Beyond that, spend all the plutocratic audio bucks you wish. Your diminishing returns are yours to enjoy as you wish. I just don’t think “better” means anything at this point. The Bliss has been worth the wait. It is phenomenally good (this after a few days), it is at home, in ideal company with its sister DAC. And while it ain’t cheap, the Holo gear are “are you sh-tt-n’me?” reasonable for endgame gear which seems to inspire data streams and head-speakers to be be their best selves.

1 лайк

Это не про GT. Видимо, у чувака было стоковое питание или ЦАП так себя ведет. Чем его кормишь, то и получаешь…