[СНЯТО С ПРОДАЖИ] Цифровой AES/EBU Stealth Varidig Sextet

Продам цифровой AES/EBU кабель Stealth Varidig Sextet. Состояние хорошее, без вмешательств, 1 метр, серебро, на фирменных серебряных коннекторах, ревизия 2010 года (цена на тот период $3500).
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Цена - 1300 euro.

1 лайк

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Цена - 1200 euro. Торгуемо, рассрочка.

VariDig Sextet is our digital cable design to “match” our flagship analog interconnect, the Sakra.

The Varidig Sextet cable consists of six identical, individually shielded Varidig cables, matched in length, spiraled together and run in parallel; the center of the cable is hollow and contains a flexible blank (no metal or wire) Kevlar reinforced supporting “guide” (which runs along the cable);

The concept of running several identical digital cables in parallel is similar to “stacking” several DAC chips, employed in a number of the best DA converters; usually, such configuration increases low-level linearity, as well as subjective clarity and overall resolution.

Like all advanced STEALTH cables, the Varidig Sextet is made of extremely thin wire, and constructed entirely by hand. The impedance matching variable-along-the-lengths Varidig geometry can only be handmade (including its hand-formed Teflon insulation). The Varidig Sextet is not available in the bulk - spooled, unterminated form, it cannot be machine-made or cheaply reproduced or copied overseas.

An assembled S/PDIF (RCA- or BNC-terminated) Varidig Sextet cable is very light weight and extremely flexible.
The balanced AES/EBU version of the Varidig Sextet is not as flexible as the RCA version because of the outer shielding. The AES/EBU cable is noticeably thicker in the middle, compare its ends, due to the impedance matching geometry of each of the six individual internal Varidig wires its composed of.

The latest 2010 balanced version is made with the proprietary STEALTH XLR connectors (machined carbon fiber shells, Ultra-modified Teflon dielectric and solid silver contacts)

Цена - e1.3k

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