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The new Pro-Silway MKIII is built upon the same cable geometry as the MKII with a couple of changes. The most significant change is that the MKIII uses more Single Crystal Copper (OCC) and silver than the previous models; approximately 20% more silver and 10% more copper to be more precise. Like the other Pro-Silway models, the conductors are made using the patented Single Crystal Process, which reduces the amount of impurities during the copper or silver extraction process and reduces the crystallization effect. Another change is that the MKIII cable incorporates slight modifications in the material construction of the Twin-Shield design to further isolate the silver and copper conductors. The updated design claims responsibility for the improved three-dimensional imaging. The Single-ended versions of this cable are now terminated with the new Furutech Single-Ended Copper RCA connectors. This is the first connector to be developed utilizing Single Crystal Copper. Like the conductor material, the Single Crystal used is a very pure grade copper. Nevertheless, the connector tightens like other Harmonic Technology connectors, but I found the Furutech slightly easier to turn because of its octagon shape and the slightly smaller size easier to work with in tight locations.