Еще один 🧱 в стену Pink Floyd — бережно раскрываем

С днем рождения, Ричард! И Царствие Небесное!

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Ох!.. как же в молодости вырывалась душа наружу под эту песню! :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:

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Кстати … две премии в этом году. Собственно ничего нового)))

Broken China

Сольный альбом – Ричард Райт=минорно депрессивно но слушается легко еще и благодаря сильной реализации тех-гии Qsound=голография аж до головокружения:alien:

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Дэвид Гилмор в годовщину выхода концертника в Помпеях и выпуска дэлюкс коробки с этим концертом, дал выборочно интервью:

Many thanks to the thousands of you who sent in questions about Live At Pompeii, to celebrate the first anniversary of the release of the live film / album (which came out a year ago today)! Here are some answers:
(:camera:: Polly Samson)

Q: Dear David, please try to describe the vibe of the place. It is something mystically for you there? A kind of a connection with the past and the soul of a sleepy volcano?
Tudor Runcanu (via Facebook)

A: The connections with the past are powerful at Pompeii. You feel that you are walking in the footsteps of the people who came to entertain and be entertained so many years ago. There are other places in Italy, Greece, Turkey and the Middle East where you have this feeling, but nowhere do you feel closer to it than in Pompeii.

Q. Your solo on In Any Tongue that particular night was epic. I saw you at Madison square garden on that tour and thought your guitar playing was phenomenal and better than ever. Does it require more practice or get harder to stay creative as one gets older?
John Simonds (via Facebook)

A. I don’t really practice. The process of making an album and rehearsing for a tour is all the practice that I do. I like a guitar solo to have a recognisable start to get both myself and the audience into the groove and, depending on how creative and fluent I am feeling on any one night, that will then dictate how free I feel to wander off into new territory.

Q. Can you offer a little insight into what you’re thinking or looking for when building a set list for a show?
Scott Wallen (via Facebook)

A. There are many things to take into account when working on a setlist. You want the rhythms and the keys not to be too similar, you must consider the meanings of the songs as they follow one another, you need to balance the newer songs that people know less well against the old favourites and you need to build towards a climax at the end. It is very tricky to get it right and a lot of thought goes into it. I hope that you approved.

Q. Mr. Glimour. Loved the DVD. Just a quick gear question I am a bit of a guitar nerd.) We all know about the iconic Black Strat, but I was wondering about that well worn Tele. I have heard there is a vintage Broadcaster pickup in the bridge, but is the guitar wired as a Broadcaster or as a straight up Tele? :thinking: Cheers!
Edward Blakemore (via Facebook)

A. The old Tele that I call The Workmate started out, before I had it, as an Esquire. It had had a neck pick-up added before I had it which I later changed for a Strat neck pick-up.
The bridge pick-up is the one that was on it when I got it, not sure quite what it is and I confess that I don’t know what the difference between a Broadcaster’s and a Tele’s wiring is.

Q. How strong was the urge to take your shirt off like in 1972?
Ed Hydock (via Facebook)

A. I had a glance at myself in the bathroom mirror and thought ‘Nah’.

Q. Did you play with any of the guitars you used in the first Pompeii in 1971?
@telecasttro (via Instagram)

A. Yes, I played the Black Strat at both.

Q. What did you do before you went on stage that night? Do you have any rituals?
@raygultomWhat (via Instagram)

A. I don’t have any rituals, just a few vocal warm up exercises.

Q. Hi David, I’m from Iran. You are my love. Why do not you sing Echoes in Italy?
@hadiravanshad24 (via Instagram)

A. Echoes for me is so much about the interplay between Rick and myself that after he died in 2008 I decided not to play it any more.

Q. Which one do you think was best. The original or the revisit…?
@sjd0105 (via Twitter)

A. It’s impossible to compare the results of the two performances. They are so different. Back in 1971 we were making a film mostly in daylight. It involved doing a performance of a song, often several times, until the director was satisfied that he had all the shots he needed – a lot of time was spent sitting around doing nothing.
Also, there was no audience.
In 2016 we were playing live at night, playing as well as we could to a lovely enthusiastic audience. The atmosphere was very different. 2016 was much more enjoyable.

Q. If you could whisper some advice to your younger self in Pompeii, based on all your experiences between the two Pompeii gigs, what would it be?
@musicandwords (via Twitter)

A. Keep your shirt on…

Q. Does this bookend a career? Or are there plans for a new album or future tour?
@nicksthatoneguy (via Twitter)

A. I have no immediate plans for an album or a tour, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve retired.

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Оу…Уже и нимб видно.

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Ну, будем ждать…

Действительно, они уже все поймали. :wink:

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По мне так это MUSE.

речь не о них :grin: как бы посыл Дмитрию был :grinning:

Дима привет.

Прочитал тему только пару дней назад, был в отпуске, когда тут шли бурные баталии на тему моей любимой группы, группы которая собственно и привела меня в мир аудио.

Был счастлив услышать концерт Richard Wright в нашей Тюменской филармонии летом 2008 года. Как оказалось за два месяца до его смерти. К слову об этом, я узнал намного позже. Но то, что я увидел и услышал, мне не забыть никогда!

Спорить о вкусах ни с кем не буду.

Pink Floyd в моём сердце…

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Сергей, привет. а что был за концерт?

Я сейчас не припомню точное название. Из всех участников группы был только он. Исполнял песни Pink Floyd, пел очень хорошо не только свои песни. Ну а какое было качество звука и света, словами не описать.

После, лет через 5-7 приезжал ещё коллектив из Англии, якобы спродюссированный самим Роджером Вотерсом. Их я назвал студентами. Ни о чём!

А вот Райта и то, что он делал на сцене, не забуду никогда.

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Дэвид Гилмор - четвертый в списке величайших гитаристов всех времен

ОтакУот! @Miha

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Дима. На чем остановился или не раскрыл?

Два дня подряд слушаю The Delicat Sound of Thunder. Вот для меня лучший Флойд. Тот густой и таинственный, чарующий саунд.

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Не раскручивает на повторку. Но я без нормальной системы, а ловят на саунд.

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