Ⓜ ЦАПы MSB — самые важные биты DAC Select, Analog, Discrete, Premier and Reference

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Всем привет!
Есть ли тут счастливые (и не очень) обладатели msb analog dac? Дайте знать, пожалуйста, в ЛС. У меня есть пару вопросов к вам. Спасибо!


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У меня аналог.

MSB Discrete всех победил

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Референс и аурендер в системе почти год, но только вчера обратил внимание, что аурендер пишет при подключении prousb не просто usb, а именно PROusb. То есть он определяет, что к нему подключен именно msb. Интересно, плюшек в звуке из-за этого добавляется?

Неудивительно, наверное в связи с этим и российская розница тоже вверх взлетела. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


Знакомый с селектом просил спросить, кто-нибудь экспериментировал с dc кабелями.

Только читал как другие экспериментируют. Вот тут восторженный отзыв о DC-кабеле за $5000+, которых на Select нужно две штуки:

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Не удержался, приобрел в сетап силовой siltech triple crown. Возможно потому что у меня на входе PS audio P15, приход от подключения к ЦАПу оказался гораздо ощутимее.

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Добрый день. Заказывал пару кабелей для Select II и Reference у компании Echole, предварительно дав все напряжения.

Результат приятный. На уровне замены штатного сетевого кабеля на кабель высокого уровня.

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Люблю МСБ. Но Vega’e 2.1 в Full Stack c Leo 2.1x и другими «улучшайзерами» надо отдать должное… оч сильно начинает играть.

Не совсем так ))) Миша (стереоаправда) возил официально MSB в Россию ещё до того, как Гинтас (Латвия) узнал о бренде :slight_smile: речь о конце 2000х

Я про книжку “Стереоправда”, а не про Мишу лично :slight_smile:
Гинтас спонсировал ее издание на английском языке.

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Уже в этом месяце первая партия Digital Director доедет до владельцев. Очень интересно сможет ли эта коробочка уравнять по качеству звука любые цифровые источники, как нам обещают. Ждем первых отзывов.

Из рассылки:

Optimized audio. Superior isolation.

Meet the Digital Director: a reimagining of the entire Digital to Analog Conversion chain, improving everything from the source to the analog audio. With all-new firmware in the MSB DAC, the Digital Director enhances essential DAC functions, externally managing digital audio sources, noise isolation and processing. Using our proprietary ProISL laser fiber optic connection, the Digital Director eliminates noise coupling into the DAC from any digital source. This advanced isolation technology elevates the performance of all digital audio sources, along with increased processing power ensures our digital filtering algorithms achieve a new level of realistic and accurate analog reproduction. Born from years of research and development, along with a keen understanding of digital filter design, the Digital Director levels up the performance of all digital audio. We’re thrilled to start this new chapter of digital reproduction and can’t wait for you to experience how the Digital Director will breathe vibrant new life into your audio experience.

Increased Isolation and Performance

In keeping with MSB’s core design principles, the Digital Director seamlessly supports and augments all current DACs. Two-way communication between the Digital Director and the DAC enables seamless input selection and system settings on a single display and control. By outsourcing digital input modules to the Digital Director, the DAC becomes a dedicated conversion engine while the Digital Director manages and isolates all incoming noise. Plus, our proprietary ProISL laser fiber optic connection eliminates noise coupling into the DAC, elevating all digital audio sources to new heights.

Authentic Reconstruction

Our Prime and Hybrid DAC modules signaled a gigantic leap forward in accurate and realistic audio reproduction. In order to push our audio technology even further, the Digital Director uses two high performance DSPs, each capable of sustaining 12 billion operations per second that work in tandem with two dedicated FPGAs. This is more than 4x the processing power currently available in the DACs onboard processors, extending the life of new and existing DACs well into the future. But that’s not all: advanced new digital filters, born from decades of research and development, ensure our DACs offer a superior authentic reconstruction of the original analog signal. This allows for a more expansive soundstage, and more beautiful textures from complex performances such as massed horns, vocals, close mic’d piano, large ensembles, and full orchestras. What emerges is the most natural and emotional presentation we’ve ever created.

Linear Power Supply

The Reference and Select Digital Directors include an upgraded low-noise linear power supply. Designed and built in-house, they feature the same custom isolated transformers found in our DAC powerbases. Reducing the noise in the system always results in improved performance— this is no exception.

И вот еще интересный кусочек из ответа MSB клиенту:

The technology for the current DAC models are going on 7 years old. Lately we have been often asked when are coming out with a new DAC. Bu the core digital engine, the ladders and the clocks are still almost better than what is needed for audio at each price point. Therefore, our ability to do a major improvement pretty much lives in the front end of the DAC. Much more powerful processors were needed that didn’t exist when these DACs were designed. The original design retains the original processors but then adds new processors allowing bigger and better digital filters among other significant refinements. The other important goal is physical and electrical isolation from computer audio noise. All servers and plain computers deliver the exact same bit perfect file, so the musical data is identical. They sound different because of jitter and electrical noise (different from audible noise). This noise can come from your own network equipment and at much higher frequencies from cell towers, TV, and radio stations, etc., conducted along the ethernet cables. The Director was designed to be a brick wall against any of these noises and associated jitter. Early tests say that this has been achieved to a high degree. Also, the difference between connection methods, RCA, AES-XLR, USB, and direct ethernet streaming was designed to be as identical as possible.

Historically, many if not most companies would understandably just come out with a new DAC when they have accomplished something significant. From the beginning of the company MSB has always considered and respected the customer’s investment and tried to bring the customer along with new technologies as much value as possible. In the two previous decades the platforms lasted 10 years always being able to upgrade to the next level models within the 10 years. Due to the intent of the design, this 3rd and current platform could go longer.

MSB works on cost-plus so a new chassis, a new motherboard, new more expensive internal components, and 3 years of design and development have a significant cost. In the end we want to assure you this is not “audiophile pricing”. We believe it is a fair price for a significant improvement in performance from any existing source, also improving the best source one might already have. Importantly, you do you not need to sell your DAC. We believe it is much more frustrating to have to keep your DAC and know the "next model” DAC that was recently introduced is better. And…. your DAC is worth much less money on the used market. In this case your DAC retains its full value. And you are right, your DAC as it is, sounds amazing and you are satisfied with it compared to other DACs you may have considered at its price point and maybe far above. If, and when, you decide to upgrade to the Director, your investment is additive. We believe it is hard to find such value in the high-end audio hobby

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А что это, в 2 словах?

Апгрейд для всех ЦАПов MSB:

  1. Физический вынос из ЦАПа и изоляция всех цифровых входов для подавления электрических шумов и джиттера
  2. И в той же коробочке новые, более мощные цифровые фильтры для улучшения звука
2 лайка

Да, сейчас бы однозначно брал DD, вместо аурендера.

Если вы окончательно и бесповоротно ушли на МСБ, решение трезвое